Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Day 9 in the Providence Antepartum Unit

Well, I now have a week under my belt here at the Providence Pavilion for Women and Children, Antepartum (you know, opposite of Postpartum) unit! I am feeling good today. I haven't had any contractions and this morning I actually got to take a shower! The little things we take for granted every day are so much more meaningful here in the hospital, I have to say!

I am writing this blog to keep my family and friends informed of the progress of my bedrest experience here in the hospital. If you had asked me a week and a half ago if I ever dreamed that I would end up on bedrest, hospitalized, looking at many more weeks of staying as still and horizontal as possible, I would have said you were absolutely crazy. Loco. No way! I still have three more months to live my life, work, play, and focus on selling, buying a house, packing, and moving before baby girl arrives!!!

This all started on Monday, May 11th. I had an ultrasound after work that day, just a routine ultrasound to check baby's development. This was an ultrasound that I had essentially requested, as they are not always done at this point of the pregnancy. There were a few things from the 18-week ultrasound that the doctor agreed that we should check up on around 26-28 weeks. So on this day, I was 26 weeks and 2 days pregnant.

Baby girl was looking great, moving her little arms and legs, showing us that her heart and brain are developing fabulously well. The problem came at the end of the study, when the technician scanned down to get a better view of my cervix. She quickly ended the study, and before I knew it, my doctor was calling me on the phone, telling me I'd better sit down. He then preceded to tell me that my cervix was open and I would have to come to the Providence Pavilion to be admitted to the hospital! He said I could go home and pack a bag first, but we came right to the hospital instead, not wanting to risk anything! They wheeled me out of the ultrasound room in a huge wheelchair and then Mom and Tony whisked me away to the hospital.

After I got settled into my room, my doctor came to visit and explained the situation, and told me that I would not be going back to work. This was a very big shock to me, as I thought I might be down and out for a few days, and then return to work after that. He told me that I would be in the hospital for a few days before undergoing some tests to see how everything is progressing, then decide what the plan would be from there.

Tuesday, May 12th, I stayed in bed all day, with the exception of bathroom and sit-down shower privilieges, and had some good visits with family and coworkers (friends had not yet been informed). Wednesday, May 13th, was the day I went through multiple tests, one of which was another ultrasound at the Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit with the perinatologist, Dr. Barford. Unfortunately, things had progressed a bit since Monday's ultrasound and my cervix was now 70% effaced and 1 cm dilated. Basically, there is very little keeping baby from coming right out and saying Hello World, I am here, much too early!

The doctors placed me on very strict bedrest from Wednesday thru Friday, where I was not to leave my bed at all. I was on IV fluids, a catheter, strong meds to keep the contractions at bay. Those were not fun days. Not at all. However, by Friday I was feeling better and the contractions had slowed down. They let me have bathroom and sit-down shower privilieges again. Hallelujah! I also received a laptop loaner from the hospital on Friday. I felt human again.

So here I am, 9 days in, feeling much better about everything, and prepared for the long haul here in the hospital. I am just focusing on doing what is best for little girl and keeping her as safe and sound as she can be. Now if my uterus will just cooperate we'd all be happy!!!

I will write more soon.




  1. I'm so glad to see that you decided to blog! I've been thinking about you a lot this week and glad to hear that things have slowed down. Yay for no contractions!!! And double yay for showers. It really is amazing how good they feel when you are not able to have them whenever you want. This hospital stay will definitely give you renewed appreciation for many many things in life that you take for granted. I hope that you have a nice view in your room. Just being able to see the sky was nice too!

    Love ya! I'll call later this week to see how things are going!

  2. I'm glad to see you blogging about your experience! You'll be able to look at this later and say, "Wow, I actually did that?!" :)

  3. Glad you're blogging, but sorry for the reason you started. Bedrest sounds awful and I can't believe your cervix is OPEN! How scary. I will be thinking of you and praying for your baby girl!! Thank goodness you got a laptop. I guess you'll be blogging a lot over the next few months!

  4. Hang in there Andrea. I hope that you can find enough to do to keep from going really crazy :)
    You'll be in my thoughts.

  5. Wow. When you said you were on bed rest on Facebook, I thought you were lounging in your own bed at home and Tony was delivering whatever food-of-the-moment you were craving. I'm so glad the doctors noticed this--way to be proactive about an extra ultrasound! Jer told me we are visiting you this weekend...anything you want us to bring, like books? Let us know!
    - Hollie
